Thursday, June 24, 2010


So yesterday, I did something crazy. For me, it's been a summer dream to run to the nearest provincial park we live by. So I did. All 12.5 miles...without stopping, even for water. (I just drank as I ran). And I had a good time too...2 hours and 15 minutes, despite the wind that was against me half the time. Yes.

Almost a half-marathon. There were definitely hard parts to the run...but overall, it was fun. Exhilirating. Dare I say it? I think I like running now. But just so ya'll know, it took me about a year of torturing myself to run long distance to like it. I thought after this half marathon that I just did, that I would be done running for a while. But I don't think makes me want to run more.

After I finished off that run, I came home and drank THIS....


- 1/2 scoop whey protein powder (15g. protein)

- 4 TB. raw hemp protein powder (6g. protein)

- 1/2 cup 1% milk (out of almond milk, sniff)

- 1/2 cup frozen blueberries

- 1 tsp. maca

- 1 tsp. lucuma

- 1 tsp. coconut oil

- ice

- and then I stuffed the blender with organic spinach from our garden

I whirled it up and had half for breaky and half for my lunch. Perfect. But I didn't like the fact I had cow's milk in it. Despite was great.

Here's another bonus recipe my sister and I made tonight for an evening munchie.

In the food processor, blend up:

-saskatoons (frozen)

-bananas (frozen)

-1 TB tahini


Once it's in a ice-cream format, then I topped it with organic, whole-grain cereal. Mmmmm...
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