Something that really made sense to me in the Raw Diva Detox booklet was about how we, or I should say I, eat often for stimulation. I'll often eat because the clock says so, everyone else is eating, there's food in front of me, or I just want to. There's nothing really wrong with that, but the main point of eating is hunger, right? I'm guilty. I love food. Stimulation for food is stated as an addiction, well, I suppose that's true...but even though it is (sly smile) I'm still going to enjoy my raw ice creams and puddings while I read a book or watch a movie in the evening, even if I'm not hungry. But I want to make that more of treat, rather than a rule. I love having snacks in the evening, but I want to try to listen to my body more. We'll see how it all turns out. ;0)
Menu for today:
B~ 2 grapefruits
L~ salad and 2 oranges
D~ ??? don't know quite yet ???
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