So here am I, starting another cleanse-a-roo. I did the Green Smoothie in January and now I'm doing the Grapefruit Cleanse in February. I think it would be a good idea to do one intense cleanse a month, whether it's from one day or five. Of course, I doubt I shall...but that doesn't change the fact that the idea still might be good, lol. The grapefruit we have is SO good. They're so sweet and huge. I've already discovered that when you take the grapefruit flesh out and put it in the freezer it tastes absolutely incredible. We don't have a good citrus juicer, just a little one that does lemons or small oranges, so if I want to have fresh grapefruit juice I'll just take the pink flesh out (tomorrow, I'll tell you the coolest and most efficient way I like to do it) and pop it in the Vita-Mix and whiz it up. You could mix a bit of pure water in with that too, to make it a little less intense and to make your juice longer. My sister Anne-Marie and I are absolute fanatics of grapefruit juice. It especially tastes so good when you've just finished working really hard or did a good workout.
Quite a few days ago I decided to try the Lychee fruit. I bought 3 little lychees for 27 cents. I had no idea what they're like, but I love trying new and exotic fruits. So when I brought them home I opened the "shell" outside and couldn't help but think how cute they were. It's white flesh tasted like a really sweet and really sour grape. Don't aske me how it works, but if you try one you'll know exactly what I mean. It was fun to try, but I don't think I would get it again. There was a big brown pit in the middle of it, so there really wasn't much fruit inside. Every time we grocery shop I can't help but look around and see what's new in the fruit and veggie department, or else, I just open my eyes wider to see things that were always there but I never tried. I have yet to try lots of some special fruits, nuts, vegetables, and superfoods that God so graciously gave us. He wants us to take good care of the bodies He's given us and to know what's good to eat and what's bad to eat, and to be creative and imaginative with what we make. But by the same token, just like the good Father He is, He gives us these awesome foods, but He doesn't want us to be all caught up in the food, but "caught up" with Him, thankful for the things that He has given. It's the Giver, not the gift, that should be the most important.
I'd love to do a cleanse someday. I'm thinking of going completely raw for like a week or so just to see what it's like but also to detox my body. I've tried the lychee fruit once at a Chinese market and wasn't all that impressed with it especially because there seems to be more pit than flesh.
You're right, we need to focus more on our Creator rather than focus all our energy into the food he gave us. That's something I need to work on. It's just so amazing how many beautiful fruits and veggies He provided for us. It seems like everyday I discover a new fruit or veggie that I hadn't heard of before.
I totally agree girl! It's easy for me to be having so much fun making all sorts of raw creations that I focus on it too much. I need to work on that more too.
It's crazy how many fruits and veggies that I keep on hearing of and discovering. I didn't know there were so many, lol.
You should so try a cleanse. I think you would really enjoy it.
Hello! i just stumbled upon your blog while looking at paulinas(veggie delight) blog!
I am also christian and vegan. Ive been starting to crave alot more raw food the last few days, so ive been doing some experimenting with the lifestyle. Its great to see that youve been so succesful with the raw food lifestyle so far and that you enjoy it.
Thanks Vegteen for your encouragement. YES!!! I love the raw and whole food lifestyle, it's so creative, fun, delicious, and well, just awesome! Keep on doing what you're doing. It's so good to see more and more people getting into the whole raw food scene.
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