Saturday, January 5, 2008

Birthdays and Social Eating

Today was my sister Elizabeth's birthday. Yay! I love, love, love birthdays. Tonight I attribute my dessert sucess to Shannonmarie ( with her raw brownies (I did make them a bit different, but the effect was very delicious) and then made up a chocolate raw syrup to top it off. So while nearly everyone else ate chocolate cake, I joined in the fun with a raw version. I don't like feeling left out...while everyone else has ice-cream it's no fun watching them eat it, so then, I make a raw ice-cream. Eating socially shoud never be too much of a problem with a raw lifestyle. Well, unless you live in the Artic in the dead of winter, I could see that being a problem.
This day I'm very excited because tomorrow...drumroll, my Mom and I are doing the 7 DAY GREEN CLEANSE!!! Yay! I'm so proud of my Mom to join me and we're gonna have so much fun doing it together, slurping down green concotions and making up new recipes. It's great to start the new year by doing some sort of cleanse, whether it's the famous David Wolfe grapefruit cleanse, the Master Cleanse...whatever. It's a super way to start your year with a good overall cleansing of the body. I encourage you all to do it. Cheers!